Delivery Policy
Data Protection
Transactions made to choose the payment method and make the payment, regardless of the method chosen, are carried out in a secure environment certified by a company specialized in data security for the internet. All information required to make the payment is encrypted. The "Closed Padlock" icon, located in the status bar (bottom of the screen), indicates that the information transacted will be encrypted.
At some points on the website, individual identification and/or registration information is collected, which is necessary for browsing or using the available services.
As a protective measure, the individual identification and/or registration information collected undergoes an encryption process before being transmitted over the internet.Identifiable information collected is handled only by authorized personnel.
The operations performed by a user, as well as the information associated with these operations, are exclusive and can only be accessed by this user.
User Identification
When registering with BodyDream to purchase products or services (paid or not) offered on the website, each user receives a unique identification, which is then required and authenticated for further access to the website, and this identification, for legal purposes, serves as a signature of agreement with any proposal made on this website/application.
The user identification is unique, non-transferable and encrypted to be transmitted to the BodyDream server, with the password stored in a database in its irreversibly encrypted form.
Any changes to this Privacy and Data Security Policy will be posted in this space. Therefore, we ask that you read this Policy periodically as a means of becoming aware of how BodyDream collects, processes and protects your information.